free to serve

We live in intriguing times: we are eyewitnesses to the birth of our new economy. That new economy is springing forth from our awareness, which is evolving from ego-consciousness to, ultimately, enlightenment.

The core of our enlightenment is that we shall be truly free — free to serve. From that freedom perspective, what would a free market look like?

You are invited to download my manifesto Free-to-Serve-2020.

You can order a hard copy from

This manifesto analyses this paradigm shift in terms of more than 40 pattern shifts, which together form our new mindset.

This manifesto does not tell you what you should or should not do; it sketches the beauty of an economy that we are in the process of creating.


Title: Free to Serve
Author: J.J. van Beele
Illustrations: M.A. ten Napel
ISBN: 978-94-6328-407-3

The manifesto was presented in the Salon in Ruigoord, 1 aug 2021, here is an excerpt:

For a brief introduction to the manifesto have a look at these video’s:

in this video i walk trough the contents of the manifesto, i have put the dutch text in the subtitles, just press the cc-button in the lower right of the video

Here are the full length video captures of the presentation of the manifesto in the salon of ruigoord:

first part before the break: the monopoly experiment

second part before the break: my journey

full part before the break

after the break

here is a draft of a praatplaat