here i describe how the awareness process can be facilitated.
so what is this awareness process? it is about people becoming aware of their self and our unity. how does it work? there are many ways of becoming aware, many different events can trigger aha-erlebnisse. here i propose to facilitate the verbal part of this process. it consists of locutions uttered by people. and they utter these locutions in response to some trigger. in many cases there is a parent locution triggering a child locution. i propose to record these locutions and their response links.
so our model consists of two primitives:
1. locutions, this can be anything from a sentence, or even just a word, to websites or pages thereof. tweets and whatapps.
2. response links.
this is best understood as a directed graph.
i propose the name: awareness space.
i envision that this awareness space is ubiquitous, can be accessed from all over the world, through many different apps on your phone for example, or a website.
as mentioned before websites are possible locutions and the hyperlinks between them can be understood as response links.
now the (directed) links allow us to follow paths through this awareness space. such a path is called a conversation.
any real world conversation can be recorded as a conversation in the awareness space.
conversations, or more generally any set of locutions can be grouped to form a new locution. obviously a response link also links the locution groups which it forms part of.
the natural form to technically represent these links is using triples in the semantic web, the predicate always being: response.
you can use the awareness space when seeking to achieve some goal. if you are fully aware of your goal you don’t need the awareness space. but in case your’re not entirely sure of what you want or how to formulate that in an operable way you can use the awareness space. it goes like this:
you start by entering a question or a first idea. next you look for a conversation, ie a path through the awareness space. if your entry has been recorded before you can start from the links from this locution, if not you can add your locution to the awareness space. there will be tools facilitating this process of “looking for the next locution”, eg by doing a text based search like google does in websites. each next locution provides a response link. the number of times locutions are used is data used by the tooling to facilitate. the same holds for the number of times response links are used. the aim of this exercise is to find (a conversation ending in) an executable goal. suggestions for links are done both by the tooling and the community.
time for an example: suppose i want to move house. nowadays i would ask my friends to help out. asking would be done by phone or email. in the new economy i would tell search & share (s&s) that i want to move house. the advantage of s&s is multifold. one advantage is that if my friends can’t make it there will be other people available. another advantage is that s&s has learnt that in most cases when somebody wants to move house several questions need to be answered: when, where, what, which car to use, etc, and so s&s poses these questions (s&s doesn’t know they are questions, it just notices that these locutions invariably get followed).
note that the questions suggested by the tooling are not modelled in some relational sense. they are suggested on the basis of having been asked previously. this is a matter of counting.