here is an interesting example of responsibility:
take what you need ≠ take what you want
this video says it all
the perception of what you need depends on your level of consciousness
it takes guts to trust that you can take what you need, hence the name of this site: guts4roses
big data is the money of the future
search-and-share in 3 slides
search & share in bologna
here is a short impression of the bologna conference the city as a commons:
the impression is made by sarah marder, a social and environmental
weconomy in less than 250 words
the new economy is a share economy that will exist next to our current swap economy
i outlined it’s utopian model in this little booklet (less than 250 words) ruilen-delen-en (english) ruilen-delen-def (dutch)
reality will consist of myriads of projections of this utopia
each projection mitigates distrust
we used this travel guide on 7 dec 2017 in amsterdam
by the way: the central aforism ‘i do what i can and i take what i need´ was already coined by louis blanc in 1851 (louis blanc)
here is a prezi containning the main ideas:
search & share in 10 minutes berlin
here are the slides that i used in berlin at the open tech summit 14 may 2015
and here is the talk itself:

From Dogma to Freethinking
Presenting a vision / idea of a new (or better) society is often done by the old paradigm of thinking, meaning the movement/org is fixated on its own belief, that their model is the best ‘Utopian’ one. This is however a thinking trap. If you present your model in the same way as it’s done in the old way of thinking, nothing is ever really going to change. Why? Because there will never be a consensus on which model to implement or in what way or manner to do so. Limiting to only ONE model within, beside, or instead off the current one, is bound to fail eventually. Understanding this is crucial.
The only way to really change things, is to step out of your ‘comfort’ zone of old AND new way of thinking, and step on a neutral ‘open source, open mind platform’. It is key to step out of the model you have designed, and you so deeply feel attached to, to create a distance between you and your beliefs. Only if you do so there can be room for overall debate and discussion, taking a good look at all pros and cons, for which models to implement, and in what quantity/mixture this will work best.
This is the only platform were consensus can and will be found. Change will come only from a cocktail of good ideas, reinforcing and supporting one another, also ‘weighing’ (balancing) how they will influence one another.
Change will not come from one idea only. It would be madness to think only one of the new models would work for all. To think that everything could work at the same time (if properly balanced) is a much more ‘common sense’ approach. If we do not understand this, real change will never happen and we will keep on discussing our new models in the old ways of thinking forever…